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New Digital Devil Story 3: Planet of the Devil.New Digital Devil Story: Goddess of Enchainment: Mentioned.Digital Devil Story 3: Demise of the Reincarnation: Antagonist.Even Jesus Christ himself is sometimes called the Morning Star, though generally not "Lucifer" in Latin. In the Book of Peter, the name also referred to the Morning Star in general, but with no relation to the devil. European medieval literature also credits Lucifer with his attempt to overthrow God, while distinguishing him from Satan. The Book Isaiah was recalling an ancient myth about a celestial being, trying to usurp the place of gods, but was cast into the underworld as punishment for his pride. A specific passage in the book refers to a King of Babylon, who is described to have fallen from heaven and is called Helel ("shining one"), a name which refers to the Morning Star or Day Star (the planet Venus), which subsequently became translated as Lucifer. While in modern literature, Lucifer and Satan are treated as the same entity, the name Lucifer was never identified with Satan until the Latin translation of the Book Isaiah. The reason for Lucifer's rebellion differs from interpretation to interpretation, however, three most accepted reasons fall in a refusal to bow down to mankind upon its creation, disagreement about God's plan of salvation or sinful pride in aspiring to overthrow his creator and become ruler of Heaven himself. Lucifer is also the demon who represents the sin of Pride. The name Lucifer is derived from earlier Latin prose and poetry lux, lucis, "light," and fero, ferre, "to bear, bring," symbolizing his role as the "Morning Star" and the strongest seraph or archangel, the highest ranked angel serving God prior his fall from grace. Lucifer (Hebrew: הילל, "Helel"), also known as Lucifel, is a prominent figure in Abrahamic religions, with his most infamous act being rebelling against God and subsequently falling from grace. 5.32 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2.5.27 Devil Children Black/Red/White Book.5.23 Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth.5.17 Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs.3.32 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2.3.24 Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth.3.17 Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs.3.9 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.3.1 Digital Devil Story 3: Demise of the Reincarnation.

20xx hack pack freeze on hit